Meta Career Programs provide a learning opportunity to everyone regardless of their educational background and/or experiences. The goal was to help them learn high-quality skills to land a high-growth, high-quality job e.g., Metaverse, SparkAR or Software Engineering.
Creative Strategy
Our campaign concept was rooted in a consumer-centric and user-generated content feel—and we treated everything from the messaging to the visuals as if it is tailored for one and native to our own social platforms.
As a creative lead on the project, I partnered with the Meta Business Education team to launch 7 new career credential campaigns.
608.6K professionals globally have enrolled in aggregate across all 7 career certificates and metaverse courses available on Coursera (204% lift YoY surpassing 2022 goal by 52%)
9.5K people have completed 100+ learning hours to become certified Social Media Marketers & Marketing Analysts
35.7K people enrolled in a 10-hour course to learn about the metaverse. This course educates the public about what it is and why it matters, how we are building an inclusive metaverse & helps expand metaverse creators
Expanded developer community by enrolling 165.7K developers in training programs across web & mobile development and react native
If you’ve been wondering what the metaverse is and what all these buzzwords mean—this course is for you! 👏
Creative Lead: Vanessa Lee
Global Marketing Manager: Kelly To, Kaylin Meyer
Producer: Teri Heyman
Thanks to all my creative partners and Bien for collaborating with me on this project!